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Curl Scripting

Curl is a command-line utility that is used to transfer data from or to a server. It is commonly used to send HTTP requests to a web server and to receive a response back. Curl is typically used in scripts to automate tasks, such as sending a request to a server and processing the response.

Here is a simple example of how to use curl in a script to send an HTTP GET request to a server and print the response:


# Send an HTTP GET request to a server and print the response
response=$(curl -s http://example.com)

echo “$response”

In this example, the -s flag is used to suppress the progress meter and error messages that curl would normally display. The $(...) syntax is used to capture the output of the curl command and store it in the response variable.

You can also use curl to send other types of HTTP requests, such as POST, PUT, and DELETE, by using the -X flag and specifying the request method. For example:


# Send an HTTP POST request to a server
curl -X POST http://example.com/post-endpoint

You can also use curl to specify various other options, such as the HTTP headers to include in the request, the data to include in the request body, and the authentication credentials to use. For more information about the options available with curl, you can refer to the curl documentation.



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